A non-empty set \(S\) together with the ternary operation denoted by juxtaposition is said to be ternary semigroup if it satisfies the associativity property \(ab(cde)=a(bcd)e=(abc)de\) for all \(a,b,c,d,e\in S\). The global set of a ternary semigroup \(S\) is the set of all non empty subsets of \(S\) and it is denoted by \(P(S)\). If \(S\) is a ternary semigroup then \(P(S)\) is also a ternary semigroup with a naturally defined ternary multiplication. A natural question arises: "Do all properties of \(S\) remain the same in \(P(S)\)?"
The global determinism problem is a part of this question. A class \(K\) of ternary semigroups is said to be globally determined if for any two ternary semigroups \(S_1\) and \(S_2\) of \(K\), \(P(S_1)\cong P(S_2)\) implies that \(S_1\cong S_2\). So it is interesting to find the class of ternary semigroups which are globally determined. Here we will study the global determinism of ternary \(\ast\)-band.
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